Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fall Fun!

Well, not a ton to update with, fall is here! I love it! We took Gavin to a pumpkin patch a couple of weeks ago, he loved it. He loved running through the pumpkins (aka away from mommy) and feeling everything he could get his hands on. (he's really into textures right now)

For Halloween, our little guy was a bat. It was the funniest thing. I don't have many pictures of it, because we went to a friends house (the owners of the turtle) and when we got there, I found out that my camera batteries were dead, so, I had to steal what pictures I do have from them. I do plan on dressing him up in it again and getting some good pictures, even if Halloween has officially passed.
Gavin also had his 15 month check up. He's doing great, he's now 30lbs and 33inches. What does that mean? It means he's huge. He's doing great though, he's talking so much. It seems like over the last week or two he has just started talking up a storm. He now says mom, dad, dog, go, hi, bye, yeah and no. My favorite right now is "I love" which is what he says for I love you. He also says "I good". As in me saying "Gavin, be good, sit on the couch, don't stand." and he says "I good!" in response. It really is the funniest thing ever, and it totally took me by suprise the first time he said it.

He is getting such a personalitly now. He makes Nick and I smile every day, and every day we say we couldn't love him any more, but he proves us wrong the next day. I never would have imagined that rasing a child could be so much fun. I always thought it would be a ton of work, but really, I dont mind it at all, it doesnt seem like work. Everytime I start to get frusterated or tired of it, his curly head pops out from behind the couch and I hear "mama, I love" It's the sweetest thing and it melts my heart every time. Every morning I wake up and wonder what he's going to do or say today. He really is the best thing to ever happen to Nick and I.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I LOVE the bat costume!!! Soooo adorable! The pumpkin pictures are awesome too!! :o)

It looks like you guys are doing great! :o)