Ok, so, I've been lame and havent updated in a long time. My bad. I have been busy though. We have had a parade of visitors through our house. (and I'm not just talking about the ants that decided to move in.. ug!) It's been a lot of fun, but really tiring!

In other news, since I last posted, I have started working. Sort of. I'm watching another little boy mon- fri. It works well though since he's 18 months, and I take gavin with me when nick is either sleeping or not home, and he gets some interaction with another kid, which is really good for him.
Gavin's doing great though, he's getting big, FAST! He's walking (scratch that, running) and getting bigger every day. We've been taking advantage of the end of the super nice weather lately, complete with trips to the zoo, the park, and the beach. We've had a lot of fun, and kiddo loves to be outside. We'll see how this winter goes, when we're all couped up here in the house. Hopefully, it'll be mild enought to bundle up and go run energy off in the backyard. If not, we'll just have to pack up and go to Phoenix so we can have some outside time. (I doubt there would be much opposition from my parents.)
Anyway, thats about all there is going on here, just nick working a ton, he's still on shift work, so he isnt home often at all, and we're trying to just be thankful for our one weekend a month that he gets off, but it does get old. Why can't he just have a normal life? Oh wait, he's in the navy, thats why. Anyway, I got excited and decorated the house with autum colors the other day, and its putting me in such a good mood. I love the colors of fall, and my autum leaves on the mantle, as well as my pumpkins and pretty orangy-red flowers are so pretty to look at! Well, nick is getting up now (yes, its 4 in the afternoon..) and gavins starting to squeak his waking up squeaks from his room, so I'm off to get both of them and hopefully have a nice evening before nick takes off for work at 9. Hope all is well for everyone else! I'll leave you all with one of my favorite pictures from the zoo. It's both my boys, how did I get so lucky?!

Welcome back! you are very lucky - but you deserve it!! :o)
You need to let me know as soon as you have plans to be in PHX since I missed you this summer!!
Enjoy fall - I wish we had that season here...lol
Good to hear from you at the blog again. I sure enjoy the pix you send too. Phoenix visit - what a good idea!!
Love Jeanni
p.s. Did I ever send you the link to my blog??
Love Jeanni
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