Friday, August 15, 2008

Gavin update

Insipred by another post on a friends blog, I have decided to update everyone on Gavin's latest statistics. He had his 12 month dr appt, and it went pretty terribly, but in the end, after switching doctors, filing a complaint against the old dr, getting another appt at a new place today and having the bigger issues checked out, we're as good as new. So, on with the updates!
Weight - 28lbs 8 oz. (yeah, I know)
Height - 33inches (again, I know)
Teeth - 12 and currently cutting the two bottom eye teeth. He has the top and bottom middle four, as well as one molar each side top and bottom.
Favorite toys - "big fluffy dog" and the ride on airplane. He also loves his truck to push and his baby bible. He will play with any book, but his soft baby bible is his favorite.
Favorite food - cheerios. And any and all fruit. He's not picky though, he'll eat anything as shown by his height and weight.
Favorite games - run from mommy. screech at mommy. (we do a lot of those two.) He also loves "hug big fluffy dog" If you say that he will run to big fluffy dog, screech and collapse on top of him giggling and hug and kiss him. It's pretty much the cutest thing ever.
Words - He says mama, dada, (mom and dad if he's mad.) wawa, bottle (we finally broke him of baba, he now says bottle! It was a big achievement for us!) dog, bye, and more. (he will also sign for more which was very exciting, he didnt screech, just used his hands! imagine!)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I love the "hug big fluffy dog" :o)

It sounds like he is doing so well.

How are you?