Monday, August 4, 2008

New tricks.

In the last couple of days, Gavin has learned a couple of new "tricks". I of course think it means he's the most advanced child in the world, however I do know in the back of my mind, it is normal developement.

So, yesterday, as he and I were sitting in the living room floor having our normal afternoon playtime, I picked up a ball and rolled it to him. He then, picked the ball up looked at it, and rolled it back to me. We rolled the ball back and forth for about a half hour. He thought it was really funny, and I of course though it meant he was a brilliant future world leader.

Also yesterday, as we were sitting at dinner, Nick and I at the table, and Gavin in his chair eating a snack, since he had eaten his dinner earlier in the evening, Gavin was protesting and threw his rice crispies (aka cereal with highest mess potential for babies) on the floor. I told him no, and that I would take them away if he threw more on the floor. (I'm not a fan of throwing food.) For whatever reason, he looked at me and I guess he saw a very serious face, and felt the need to break the tention, but, he decided to pull out a new trick for us. Bear with it, its a little hard to explain, but he started making noise and running his arm/hand over his mouth. This is the equivilent of tapping your hand over your mouth while making sound. (We used to call it "sounding like an Indian" but I'm pretty sure that would be the most un-PC thing ever to call it.. so, we'll call it tapping over your mouth) Anyway, it was pretty funny, and I'm not sure where exactly he learned that from since I have never done that to him or in front of him. The closest I've done is just covering his mouth when he's shrieking, but for whatever reason, this new noise is pretty fun, and we hear it pretty frequently now.

In other news, I'm going to start watching a little boy now, he is 15 months old, so I'm really excited to let he and Gavin get to know eachother a little bit better and really see them interact. They have played together once, and really seemed to enjoy playing together, Gavin had a ball playing with him and was mimicking everything he did. Hopefully he'll start mimicking his walking here soon. Today he took a few steps on his own, without me encouraging it, he just turned around from the couch and started walking. I think it will be soon! One of these days I expect him to just not even try and hold on anymore, I think he'll just get up and walk away! My life is about to get a whole lot busier!


Unknown said...

Absolutely that boy is a future world leader. Plus cute as can be.

Melissa said...

Yes, Gavin will be president someday - I'm sure of it!! :o)

The stories are cute!!