Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A new resolution.


So, I'm officially lame and have not been 'blogging' as I thought that I would. However, that is now going to change. I have decided that I need more of an 'outlet' for my thoughts, and I think that this is the venue that I need to use. I'm sure that not a lot of people are going to be looking at this, but I dont particularly care. I just want to get out whatever random thoughts are running through my head. (maybe it'll clear some room and I'll start remembering things too!)

First off though, I'll do a little updating on our rather crazy life.

Nick is still working a ton, whats new with that though. We did find out that his updated date that he should get a new assignment (for shore duty!) will be October of 09. This date is an approx. date. it can be +/-3 months though. So in reality, we could very well be moving In July of next year. Talk about fast turn around. It would be almost exactly two years since we arrived here. (we've already been here one full year, crazy huh?!) But, most likly we'll be going back to South Carolina, which is good news. We both enjoyed it there. When we lived there before, we used to go look at model houses for fun. (we really had no money, and that was free entertainment!) We found one that was our dream house. We still have the floorplans for it actaully. Well, today in my boredom (I should have been cleaning or doing somthing productive) I was wandering around the internet, and somehow found myself searching for houses in South Carolina. Imagine my suprise when I found our "dream house" on the market there. and the best news? It was in our price range! I was so so excited. Although I know that in all likly hood home prices will go up in the next year (at least I hope so for our resale purposes!) it is at least a glimmer of hope that our fantastic, amazing, wonderful dream of a floorplan will be at least an option for us. Keep your fingers crossed!

In other news, Gavin is doing wonderfully. He just cut his 12th tooth. Yes, that's right, our monster has chompers.. lots of them! He's getting such a personality now, its so much fun to be around him every day. He's standing on his own now, and we see a step every now and then, but he tries to hide if from us. His new favorite trick is clapping. The kid claps nonstop! It (of course to me) is the cutest thing ever.

He also loves the water. We do a lot of swimming! We joined the YMCA here, and we take him up to the pool frequently there, but in the event that we just dont feel like making the drive, he has his own little pool in the backyard that he adores. Unfortunatly though, he mostly likes to pull grass from the yard into it. But, its fun to watch him splash and play, and wish that our lives were all as simple and carefree.

He also loves to play the run away from mommy game. He's quite good at it! He can be down the hall and into his room in the amount of time it takes mommy to get a glass of water. It's really quite impressive how fast he can move. He is however a really violent crawler. It does prove to be quite handy though too, because you can hear him wherever he goes. All in all though, he is just about the cutest kid ever to grace the planet. We love him dearly and don't know what we have done to deserve such a wonderful child. We are truly scared to know how bad the next one will be to make up for how perfect Gavin is. (just kidding!)

Well, I'm going to call it done for now, but I am going to keep posting. I may even add another one tonight with updated house pictures! We have done a lot of work, and so I'm going to go ahead and add some before and afters of the house and update about all the randomness that we have done here!


Melissa said...

Surprise!!! I didnt know you had a blog!!! What a good update!! I cant believe how big Gavin is!

I also cant believe you may be moving in a year again! I'll cross my fingers for you for the house! (in a year of course)

The Keast's - Bryan, Sara, Evelyn & Bella said...

Welcome to the blog world! lol Thanks for joining us! I need to start updating mine more often! lol