Saturday, July 19, 2008

Come on... SMILE!

So, I think its time to put a smile on everyone's faces. I've noticed when I'm out and about, that most people look upset. As we were driving today, I looked into the car next to me at every stop light. (nick was driving, so it was fine for me to wander off in thought) Every time I looked in another car, every person looked upset or unhappy. This bothers me. Granted, I know we all have our days, but EVERY car for the 20 min drive had people looking upset in it. I saw single occupant cars with the driver looking sad, and Heaven help the couples that I saw fighting. I lieterally saw people yelling at eachother in their cars. (and felt like I was imposing by having my eyes open.) In our car, we were laughing. At one red light, Gavin was doing somthing stupid and we were laughing at him, and I happened to glance at the car beside us, and a couple who had previously been in the midst of somthing that appeared very serious, was now smiling, looking into our back window. This made me think, if seeing Gavin do random stuff makes people happy, I should share some of his best moments so everyone can have a good smile, and perhaps a good giggle out of it. So, this is my attempt to make the world smile a little more today. Enjoy.

So, a few weeks ago, Nick, Gavin and I were driving home from the YMCA. We had been swimming, and of course Gavin was completly exhausted, which means he was jabbering on in a very unpleasant, whiny voice. About 10 minutes later, I was at the end of my rope from listening to a whiny child, so I spun around in my seat (nick was driving again, no saftey was compromised ;) ) and looked and Gavin and said (in a rather not nice voice.. sorry Gav) and said: "what is the problem here?!" He looked back at me, was silent for about 10 seconds, and we were in the middle of a stare-off and he simply, as plain as can be says "YOU". (with all the attitude you could expect from a 13 year old, not a 10 month old.) Nick and I about died laughing then and there. And of course, Gavin saw us laughing, so he felt the need to giggle with us.

Another night, Nick decided to take Gavin and I out for dinner, since we hadn't been out for a while, and Gavin was in a good mood. We get to the resturant and are seated, and have got the necessary array of cheerio's spread on the table for entertainment, and our server comes to the table. Gavin's jaw drops. The lady who was serving us was probably about our age, but she was absolutly beautiful. I'm not afraid to say it, she was stunning. Well, apparently I was not the only one to notice. Every time that night when she would come to our table, Gavin would set whatever he was messing with down and stare at her. He would intently watch the door to the kitchen and any time she would move he was glued to her. When she would come to our table, he would flash his biggest and best smiles to her and flirt with all of his ability. Nick and I could not contain ourselves. Gavin was completly in love with our server, and we could not peel him away from her, he hung on every word that she said. She eventually bent down and was talking to him, he just sat there and smiled and ran his hands through her hair. It was the funniest thing we have seen yet. Gavin's first love unfortunatly was about 25 years older than him, but I'm sure, based on his reaction to Ana, he will love brunettes forever.

So, what we have decided is that Gavin might just be a teenager in a very small body. I've got tons more funny Gavin stories, but, he has just woke from his (way to short) afternoon nap, so I need to get to him. I hope that these couple stories have at least put a little smile on your face, and maybe if you were having a bad day, it will have helped cheer you up a little bit. And next time you're in your car, be afraid, I might just be in the car next to you staring at you. :)


Melissa said...

hahahaha - I love the story about the drive home from the Y. Definitely brought a smile to my face :o)

The Keast's - Bryan, Sara, Evelyn & Bella said...

Holy blogville lol I just got updated on everything! :) I'm loving the new blogging! I'm glad that things are going so well and geesh you guys have been through a lot in the 4 years of marriage! What's your secret for getting Nick to help with things around the house? lol

Unknown said...

These are hilarious LInds! Thanks for posting!! So cute of stories and now you have them recorded for happy times when you have a real 13 year old :)
I am off to Utah tonight, for my nephew Brody's wedding. I'll also be seeing Meg & Eric and Scotty this weekend, which is a good thing, as Scotty really misses his Nana.
THese are WONDERFUL! And definitely cheered up my day!
Love you LOTS<