Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a quick note

Just a quick note to say, my baby turns 1 tomorrow. I absolutly can not believe how fast the last year has gone by. I can not believe that we have lived here for over a year. It's just amazing to me. One year ago right now, I was in labor. It seems unreal. Everyone says that it goes fast, but this is just crazy. I have loved every second of the last year, and look forward to the next one coming up, which will undoubtably go just a quickly. I wish I could keep Gavin here at his baby age forever, but, I'm sure each age will be my favorite, and I'll look back at the end of each year and wonder how in the world he got so big, so fast.

Lately, we havent been up to to terribly much, just kind of hanging around the house here. Gavin and I make the occasional outing to the park so that nick can sleep during the day. (oh the joys of him working overnight) We've done lunch with some girlfriends and we've done a lot of playing in the living room. Today was a big day for him. He's been standing unsupported for quite a while, and crusing furniture for what seems like forever. But, today, he walked along beside me while holding onto one hand, and then when I let go of him, he took 4 steps on his own. Yes, a whole 4 steps. You would not believe how excited I got. I clapped (and he clapped, because it's what he does) and congratulated him and he was so excited and proud of himself. It was probably the cutest thing ever.
It's amazing how the little things are suddenly the greatest accomplishments. It amazes me every day how excited I get over simple things. He clapped his hands, I think he deserves an award. He walked 4 steps, he most certainly deserves media attention for that. Most people probably look at me like I'm insane and nick certainly rolls his eyes a lot when I get so excited about Gavin's latest and greatest, but I honestly can not help it. He is so entertaining, and watching him develope his personality is really interesting. Seeing how he picks up new mannerisms every day is really intersting.
One particularly funny example of this, in my opinion, happened the other day. For Valentines Day last year, Grammi got Gavin these small cars. They roll, they're pretty fun. They are the kind that when you roll them backwards they wind up, you let go and they propel themselves forward. Gavin has figured this out. So the other day as Gavin was playing in babyland (aka the living room) I'm watching him play with these cars. Then I hear him call for tanner. "dog dog" Gavin simply refers to Tanner as dog, and tanner comes bounding in at the first sign of being wanted. So, gavin winds up the car and is holding it, and calls tanner into the room. As tanner gets in front of him, he lets go of the car, and its shoots off and hits tanner. The dog isnt sure what has happens, but runs away and jumps on the couch to be sure it doesnt happen again. Gavin laughs. It has begun. My baby is really a little boy, and is beging to act like it. It's only a matter of time before I hear the magic phrase said by nick in this house. "Don't tell your mom, or we're both in trouble." I can't wait.


Melissa said...

hahahaha!! Poor Tanner didnt see that one coming!!!

I CANNOT believe its been a year!!! WOW! Happy B-Day to your little boy tomorrow!

Thanks for the wonderfully sweet comment last week. Its been a little nuts lately, but I truly appreciate it. Youre a great friend!!! I just wish we were not separated by half the country!

And Babies Make 5... said...

I could not help but smile the whole time I read this blog because I can totally relate now to what you are saying...Tytus is only 4 weeks old but I already praise him for every little thing that he does. How can I possibly think that dirty diapers and little whimpers are so cute?!

Being a mommy is truly the best job in the whole world. I cannot even imagine my little man being a year old...Happy Birthday to Gavin-he is so so cute!

*Meg Larsen* said...

Vicious? Violent? Voracious eater?