Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines day

So this morning, I woke, and a sudden new determination hit me. Today is the day.

Let me explain. Gavin is almost 19months old now, and despite the fact that this has needed to happen for MANY months now, it hadnt. Gavin still takes a bottle to go to sleep. Most general advice, is between 12-15 months is the time that the bottle goes bye-bye. Well, I'm lame, and I havent ever taken it away, it's just been easier to let him have it to go to sleep. He only has it when he is falling asleep for a nap or at night, but, none the less, he's still taking a bottle. It's comforting to him, and I've not wanted to disturb that. Plus, it makes it INCREDIBLY easy to put him to bed, just lay him down, hand him the bottle and I dont hear another peep until morning. Well, today, I wake up and think this is ridiculous, this isnt right, I have to cut the bottle. I know it stresses nick out when gavin cries, so I figure while nick is gone and i have the next 3 days off, it's time.

So, this afternoon comes, and Im watching the clock dreading when it hits naptime. Naptime comes, and I take Gavin back to his room, change his diaper like always, and he stands up, turns off his light and asks for his bottle. (it's routine here..) I told him no, sorry, we didnt have anymore bottles, and that he would have to go to sleep without it from now on, and put him into his crib, told him good night along with the rest of the normal naptime routine minus the bottle. I walk out, close the door and brace myself for what I am sure is going to be a horrible fight for an hour + of him screaming his head off in an attempt to get his beloved bottle back. To my suprise.. silence. 5 minutes pass and I hear softly from his room "mama, wan baba" (mama I want a bottle) I ignore it, despite the fact that I know he's using his sweet voice in a last ditch effort to get me to bring him one. It's the softest sweetest voice imaginable, completly adorable and makes you wnat to do whatever he is asking of you. Well, I ignore him, and again, brace myself for the temper tantrum that is sure to follow, but again to my suprise, silence. That was 2.5 hours ago. He has been peacefully asleep without a bottle ever since.

I can not believe that he did not fight. I am completly shocked. This is the child that has drank a bottle EVERY time he has went to sleep for almost a year. I am beside myself right now. I am so excited that it went this well for the first nap. I seriously doubt that bedtime will go even partially as well as naptime did, but I'm so encouraged by the fact that he DID go easily to sleep without a bottle. It's proof that it CAN be done! I'm so excited to be a bottle free house.. at least for a few more months. Thats one of the big reasons it hit me today. I can't very well take away his bottles the day before we bring the baby home and start feeding it with bottles you know? Thats just mean. Plus, with potty training coming up fast, I can't be letting him drink himself to sleep, thats just setting him up for failure. Anyway, I'm so excited I had to share! Take care!

Oh, and Happy Valentines day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wahoo! What a great kid! What a great mom!