So, as predicted, the naptime was a total fluke, and I wish I knew what made it so easy! haha! Last night for bedtime he cried for about 15 mintues, and then the same for naptime today. So, we'll see how it goes. I am not caving on this, as sucky as it is. I actaully took the option away to cave by bagging up the bottles and putting them away in the attic. I hate getting up into the attic, it really scares me, so I opened it up and threw the bag up and as far back in there as I could get it. Therefore, I can't use them, becasue A) I hate the attic and B) nick has forbidden me from climbing up the attic stairs while pregnant. So, issue solved, I dont even know where they landed up there, they are just among the piles of other junk up there. haha. Anyway, wish us luck, hopefully tonight we'll get it down to 10 mintues? Yeah right, just for saying that tonight will be my hour of fighting with him.
For now though, he's doing well with it, just gets upset when he realizes that the routine has been broken. I wonder how long this will stick in his head and how long until the new routine is routine?
Another mini-update. Tonight I went to put him down, and as I started to tell him good night he started crying, he wasnt even in his crib yet. So, I layed him down and went through the rest of the routine with him screaming at me, and left. 3 minutes later he was still having the worst temper tantrum ever, and suddenly, he stopped, took a deep breath, layed down and said "ni ni doggie" (saying goodnight to his favorite stuffed dog) I swear, sometimes that kid is the strangest thing! Oh well, at least 3 minutes was our time for the night, hopefully tomorrow goes well, because after that, it's back to work for me, and I really need him to nap well while I'm watching Luke.
Xmas 2019 :)
5 years ago
hey, 15 minutes isn't bad! i'll take that just about any day! i'm sure it will get better though...
Yeah, 3 minutes for bedtime last night, and GET THIS! ONE minute for nap time today. Maybe 1 1/2 but definatly a HUGE improvement. I'm hoping that it really is this easy, but I just don't quite believe it. But, no complaints, 15 minutes of screaming isnt fun, but it definatly could be way way worse.
My goodness, what great parenting! And I love you attic story, haha. (Btw, Scotty cried a solid 40 minutes before a tiny little 20 minute nap at our place - you are blessed by heaven :)
Not that Scotty is not the most perfect and adorable child ever - he certainly is!
I love that Gavin says goodnight to his dog - that is adorable!
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