Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just a quick note

Just a quick note to say, my baby turns 1 tomorrow. I absolutly can not believe how fast the last year has gone by. I can not believe that we have lived here for over a year. It's just amazing to me. One year ago right now, I was in labor. It seems unreal. Everyone says that it goes fast, but this is just crazy. I have loved every second of the last year, and look forward to the next one coming up, which will undoubtably go just a quickly. I wish I could keep Gavin here at his baby age forever, but, I'm sure each age will be my favorite, and I'll look back at the end of each year and wonder how in the world he got so big, so fast.

Lately, we havent been up to to terribly much, just kind of hanging around the house here. Gavin and I make the occasional outing to the park so that nick can sleep during the day. (oh the joys of him working overnight) We've done lunch with some girlfriends and we've done a lot of playing in the living room. Today was a big day for him. He's been standing unsupported for quite a while, and crusing furniture for what seems like forever. But, today, he walked along beside me while holding onto one hand, and then when I let go of him, he took 4 steps on his own. Yes, a whole 4 steps. You would not believe how excited I got. I clapped (and he clapped, because it's what he does) and congratulated him and he was so excited and proud of himself. It was probably the cutest thing ever.
It's amazing how the little things are suddenly the greatest accomplishments. It amazes me every day how excited I get over simple things. He clapped his hands, I think he deserves an award. He walked 4 steps, he most certainly deserves media attention for that. Most people probably look at me like I'm insane and nick certainly rolls his eyes a lot when I get so excited about Gavin's latest and greatest, but I honestly can not help it. He is so entertaining, and watching him develope his personality is really interesting. Seeing how he picks up new mannerisms every day is really intersting.
One particularly funny example of this, in my opinion, happened the other day. For Valentines Day last year, Grammi got Gavin these small cars. They roll, they're pretty fun. They are the kind that when you roll them backwards they wind up, you let go and they propel themselves forward. Gavin has figured this out. So the other day as Gavin was playing in babyland (aka the living room) I'm watching him play with these cars. Then I hear him call for tanner. "dog dog" Gavin simply refers to Tanner as dog, and tanner comes bounding in at the first sign of being wanted. So, gavin winds up the car and is holding it, and calls tanner into the room. As tanner gets in front of him, he lets go of the car, and its shoots off and hits tanner. The dog isnt sure what has happens, but runs away and jumps on the couch to be sure it doesnt happen again. Gavin laughs. It has begun. My baby is really a little boy, and is beging to act like it. It's only a matter of time before I hear the magic phrase said by nick in this house. "Don't tell your mom, or we're both in trouble." I can't wait.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Please read this everone..

So, I guess I'll start at the begining here. As most people know, there are a few websites I frequently visit. There's yahoo for my email, there's myspace and facebook for mindless entertainment and catching up with old friends. Also, I go to a website that is a messaging forum for navy wives. I love going to the website, because sometimes, it's nice to talk to people that are in the same boat as you. (no pun intended) It's nice to have someone who isnt going to say "you knew what you were getting into when you married him" or "at least he's not in Iraq" While all of those are true, it doesn't ease the pain when your loved one is gone, or when you havent seen your husband in 3 days and you are laying your son down to bed at night and he's crying for dada. (that was tonight for me) It is hard, and while yes, I knew when I married him that he would be gone a lot, however, that isnt to say that I knew the extent to which it would hurt. (after all, I can tell you I'm going to punch you in the stomach, did your knowing in advance make it hurt any less?)
Well anyway, back to where I was going with that. This navy wives website has been helpful to me many many times, whether it be a question having to do directly with the navy or somthign as random as getting a recipie from someone else. (which I have) But, tonight after I got Gavin down to sleep and I logged on to see what the daily gossip was, and if I could answer anyone else's questions (since they've answered a million of my own) The first post I click on is not good news. A girl was going to school tonight had been hit by a semi. She suffered severe brain injuries, and is now brain dead. She is on life support, and not expected to make it. She was a few years younger than me. She was married in January of this year. Her poor husband. I can't even imagine, she had left for class, and he will never speak to her again.
This makes me wonder. If it were me, what would people remember about me? What was the last thing I said to Nick? Hopefully, it was I love you. What was the last thing I said to my mom, dad, sister, my best friends? Hopefully again, it was I love you.
I think that in my life I have gotten too wrapped up in my own life to remember to tell everyone how much they mean to me. So the point of this is, for all my friends and family, I do love you. I love each and every one of you for different reasons. My friends and family are everything to me, and I can't imagine my life with one less of any of you. Hopefully, everyone knows that, however I doubt that they do becuase I know that I do not say it enough. So, I am going to be making a concious effort to be sure that I do tell everyone how much I love them, and how much I care for each and every person. If somthing were to happen to me, because it could have been anyone driving beside that semi tonight in Fresno, I want everyone to know how I feel about them.
It is terrible that somthing as sad as what has happened to Alyssa tonight, had to happen to make me realize just how much I take for granted. I realize just how lucky I am to be able to pick up my phone and scroll through the contacts list and be able to call any one of the many numbers in there and spill my heart out to them, and know that they honestly care. I hope that everyone who sees my number thinks the same thing, however, I'm sure that they don't because how many times have I said "oh I'll call you right back" or how many times do I just not answer becuase I'm to busy. I am going to start making time for people. Of course I'm not perfect, no one is, but I need people to know how much they mean to me, and hopefully, when they think of me, they'll immediatly think of my love for them.
I am especially guilty of underappreciation here at home with nick. I take him for granted so so much. I mean I always tell him I love him, and a quick peck as he walks out the door, but it has become so routine for us, that I'm afraid it has lost it's meaning. So, this means I need to stretch myself and figure out a way to really show Nick how much he means to me. Then, I need to brach to each and every other person in my life. Everyone in my life deserves a personal and heartfelt expression of my love and appreciation for them in my life. I'm not sure how just yet, but give me time and I'll figure somthign out.

Until then though, everyone please know that you mean more than anything to me. Everyone in my life has been so loving and supportive of me and what I have choosen to do with my life, and has done nothing but help me reach goals. I appreciate that, and can never thank you enough for it.

Oh, and if you have a spare minute, please say a prayer for the family. It's going to be rough on all of them.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Come on... SMILE!

So, I think its time to put a smile on everyone's faces. I've noticed when I'm out and about, that most people look upset. As we were driving today, I looked into the car next to me at every stop light. (nick was driving, so it was fine for me to wander off in thought) Every time I looked in another car, every person looked upset or unhappy. This bothers me. Granted, I know we all have our days, but EVERY car for the 20 min drive had people looking upset in it. I saw single occupant cars with the driver looking sad, and Heaven help the couples that I saw fighting. I lieterally saw people yelling at eachother in their cars. (and felt like I was imposing by having my eyes open.) In our car, we were laughing. At one red light, Gavin was doing somthing stupid and we were laughing at him, and I happened to glance at the car beside us, and a couple who had previously been in the midst of somthing that appeared very serious, was now smiling, looking into our back window. This made me think, if seeing Gavin do random stuff makes people happy, I should share some of his best moments so everyone can have a good smile, and perhaps a good giggle out of it. So, this is my attempt to make the world smile a little more today. Enjoy.

So, a few weeks ago, Nick, Gavin and I were driving home from the YMCA. We had been swimming, and of course Gavin was completly exhausted, which means he was jabbering on in a very unpleasant, whiny voice. About 10 minutes later, I was at the end of my rope from listening to a whiny child, so I spun around in my seat (nick was driving again, no saftey was compromised ;) ) and looked and Gavin and said (in a rather not nice voice.. sorry Gav) and said: "what is the problem here?!" He looked back at me, was silent for about 10 seconds, and we were in the middle of a stare-off and he simply, as plain as can be says "YOU". (with all the attitude you could expect from a 13 year old, not a 10 month old.) Nick and I about died laughing then and there. And of course, Gavin saw us laughing, so he felt the need to giggle with us.

Another night, Nick decided to take Gavin and I out for dinner, since we hadn't been out for a while, and Gavin was in a good mood. We get to the resturant and are seated, and have got the necessary array of cheerio's spread on the table for entertainment, and our server comes to the table. Gavin's jaw drops. The lady who was serving us was probably about our age, but she was absolutly beautiful. I'm not afraid to say it, she was stunning. Well, apparently I was not the only one to notice. Every time that night when she would come to our table, Gavin would set whatever he was messing with down and stare at her. He would intently watch the door to the kitchen and any time she would move he was glued to her. When she would come to our table, he would flash his biggest and best smiles to her and flirt with all of his ability. Nick and I could not contain ourselves. Gavin was completly in love with our server, and we could not peel him away from her, he hung on every word that she said. She eventually bent down and was talking to him, he just sat there and smiled and ran his hands through her hair. It was the funniest thing we have seen yet. Gavin's first love unfortunatly was about 25 years older than him, but I'm sure, based on his reaction to Ana, he will love brunettes forever.

So, what we have decided is that Gavin might just be a teenager in a very small body. I've got tons more funny Gavin stories, but, he has just woke from his (way to short) afternoon nap, so I need to get to him. I hope that these couple stories have at least put a little smile on your face, and maybe if you were having a bad day, it will have helped cheer you up a little bit. And next time you're in your car, be afraid, I might just be in the car next to you staring at you. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Well, with Gavin's birthday coming up, I was thinking earlier today about how fast everything has changed.

It seems like just yesterday that we got married. In reality, it was over 4 years ago, and so so much has happened since we got married, but it still seems so recent. When I really think about it, I see exactly how much change can happen in the span of 4 years. We've lived in 6 houses, 3 states, and completed moves from AZ to SC to WA to VA. We're good with change. We do it often. It's when I look back though and think about all the changes to our family, from moving to adding a dog, and eventually Gavin, that I realize exactly how long we have been married, and how lucky we are to have eachother and a detication to our marriage and keeping our family whole. With all the changes that have happened to us individually (since we have spent a lot of time apart) and us as a family, it is amazing that we have came out no worse for the wear.
I've never really sat down and and wrote out everything I've though about our marriage and our kind of odd circumstances that most people are lucky enough to be able to avoid in their lifetime, but I want to share. You dont have to read it, so if you don't want to, scan for pictures and move on. But, if you feel like listening to a really long winded ramble from me (becuase my child is taking an AWESOME nap this afternoon!) then feel free.

Six months after getting married, we moved from South Carolina to Seattle. (ish) That in itself was a shock for me to deal with. I was just figuring out how to get to target without getting lost and we were off again. It was stressful, but we made the best of it. Two weeks after we got to WA, Nick deployed for 6 months. Again, shock. Now at this point in my life, I had been married for 6 months, and had lived on my own for approximatly 0. Now, here I was in a place that I didnt know anything about (and was living in a pretty crummy area to tell you the truth) and my husband was gone. Adios. I took a two week vacation and visited my parents in AZ, then it was back to reality. Reality meaning alone. So, the 6 months passed (slowly), and nick came home (yay!) and life got back to "normal". A month later, he left again, this time only for a month. Agian, time passed (still slowly), and Nick came back (yay!) We repeated the home for a month, gone for a month cycle for about 5 months, then, guess what, deployment! (yay.. ok, no not really..) So, again, 6 months gone. Then, he came home (do I have to say it?) and they went into the shipyards. What this means is he worked 3 hours away from home, and got 6 hours a week (basically) off work. It was a great time. Nothing like being "home", but not seeing your own bed.

So, that's a taste of what his schedule was. On the left here is a picture of the the lovely seagoing vessel itself. To nick, this was "home sweet home" for 28 of the 36 months that we lived in WA. During the time that he was there, so much happened. Think about your everyday life. How much do you talk to the person you live with? Now imagine your every day little conversations from things like finances to when should we have kids, to even more major life happenings. Now, think about having to have all of those little conversations through email. (only you dont get half of the emails from the other person.) It is a fantastic way for people to build a marraige and life together. Believe me. While deployed, this is life. I got usually one email a week from him, and one phone call every 2-3 weeks. So for me, obviosuly it sucked, but at the same time, it was a GREAT way to build our relationship. How you might as? (actually you probably didnt..but you're going to hear anyway.) I knew that nick trusted me. I dealt with all kinds of random things that most (normal) people would discuss with their spouses, without the help or input from mine. Thats not to say he didnt want to give input in how our life was ran, it was that he couldn't, and the fact that he trusted me, and still does trust me to take care of everything means a lot to me. His faith in my judgement is astounding to me, I honesatly would have such a hard time with that kind of faith and trust in another person that it means a lot to me that Nick has handed over household responsibilities to me and never questions me. (Except for the occasional when did you get those shoes and how much were they?)
We have in four years managed to have one holiday together EVERY year. That is an accomplishment. The holiday you might ask? 4th of July, that's right, every Independance day since we got married, we've been together. The picture of the boat you're looking at was taken at Pearl Harbor Hawaii, on July 2. Nick was in port, and I was GOING to be there. So, we also got Independance Day of 2006 together by default. He was in the middle of a deployment, but the ship ported in HI. So, it is truly meant to be that the 4th is our holiday.
While living in WA, I had one thing that I've never really had such wonderful examples of. My friends. I had the best friends I could have asked for, and my job provided me a great escape from boredom. I loved my job, and loved the people that I worked with and miss them dearly. (although I will still never know why I was hired.. I walked in off the street and said I have no experience, hire me. I like diamonds.. and they did!) My job and friends were truly my lifeline through a very very long time
The point of this whole thing? I don't really know, I just wanted to ramble on I suppose. But I guess in thinking back over the last little bit of typing here this afternoon, I guess I would sum it up with Change. It happens, like it or not, it will happen. When I think back, all the changes we have dealt with, even though they seemed terrible at the time, have really made us so much stronger, and our marriage better because of it. Sometimes (ok fairly frequently) I get on the "why us?" kick (the why does it have to be our turn for ANOTHER deployment or ANOTHER round of shift work.. ) but in the end, when I look back, we are 24, have been married for 4 years, have a completly amazing child, and own our own home. It couldnt have been all that bad, right? Nick and I are very blessed. We love eachother and have all the support we could ask for from family and friends, what more could we need?
Well, enough of my rambling, I'm sure it didnt make too much sense, but hey, its a blog, it doesn't need to right? I hear a little voice coming from a back bedroom calling out "mama didi" which roughly translated means "mom, I'm up from my nap and need a diaper change" So I'm off for the rest of the afternoon to have fun with my baby bean. (and I had to throw in one more cute little picture of him playing the other day.

How can you not smile when you see that?!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Last one for the night!

Well, I know I'm going a bit overboard here tonight, but, nick doesnt get home from work until midnight, and I'm waiting up for him so I've got nothing better to do!

I was just looking through all the pictures here on my computer and was looking back all the past year of Gavin. It's amazing how it seems like I don't see the change on a daily basis but then I look back and realize just how little he really was. It's amazing to see the change and how much he has grown into his own little person.

So in honor of my baby turning one here in a week and half. *tear* Here's a look back at how he's grown. Sorry theres a lot of pictures, but this is the "short" version. Believe it or not, I've pruned it down!

Here's the house updates.

So everyone, look at me, two posts in the same day! I swear I'm going to be better at this.. maybe I'll be inspired (and by inspired I mean bored) to write a really long rambling sometime soon!

So, this is the "new" house. We've been living here since May, and we still have stuff to do. (lots and lots of stuff) but, I guess thats the way it goes when you own a house. We are loving living here, and we really like being able to add color to the walls and make it truly our home. The only rooms that aren't on the slideshow are Gavin's room, which has been very cutly painted in two tone blue, but I dont have a picture of it with his furniture in it, and well, he's asleep right now, so we'll just have to wait on the picture of it. And, I dont have any of the livingroom with things in it, but, we haven't got it painted yet, so there's really nothing exciting about a white room with stuff. So anyway, here's the rundown of what we've done:
Kitchen: built in a home for the microwave and replaced light over the table. It had a terribly ugly ceiling fan, so we found a light to match the one in the other part of the kitchen and my lovely electrician husband installed it for me.
Guest bathroom: Nick installed new floors instead of the yellowing linolium. It is now a lovely slate colored tile that matches not only the countertop, but my decorations. :)
Guest Bedroom: Walls went from a seafoam green to a much more neutral and relaxing beige. (slightly boring, but I like it.)
Master Bedroom: we painted to a two tone brown/beige. I love it!
Master Bathroom: (not pictured) it had a pink marble laminate countertop. (yes itwas as bad as you are imagining!) My dad made a trip out here and helped us tile that, so now it is a nice tumbled marble countertop. The walls have not been painted yet though, so it still looks a bit rough.
The front yard is a current work in progress. We took out the bushes, which looked like it would be a fairly easy undertaking, however we came to find that the undersides of them were rotted and molded (um, ew) as well as there were not 5 or 6 like we thought, but 18. So, we have a LOT of stumps to remove sometime in the near future. (UG)
So anyway, there's the rundown, and here are the pictures. If you have any suggestions as to what else we can do or that you see needs to be updated feel free to add. (however please note, that the place isnt the cleanest ever, so ignore the random stuff laying around!)

A new resolution.


So, I'm officially lame and have not been 'blogging' as I thought that I would. However, that is now going to change. I have decided that I need more of an 'outlet' for my thoughts, and I think that this is the venue that I need to use. I'm sure that not a lot of people are going to be looking at this, but I dont particularly care. I just want to get out whatever random thoughts are running through my head. (maybe it'll clear some room and I'll start remembering things too!)

First off though, I'll do a little updating on our rather crazy life.

Nick is still working a ton, whats new with that though. We did find out that his updated date that he should get a new assignment (for shore duty!) will be October of 09. This date is an approx. date. it can be +/-3 months though. So in reality, we could very well be moving In July of next year. Talk about fast turn around. It would be almost exactly two years since we arrived here. (we've already been here one full year, crazy huh?!) But, most likly we'll be going back to South Carolina, which is good news. We both enjoyed it there. When we lived there before, we used to go look at model houses for fun. (we really had no money, and that was free entertainment!) We found one that was our dream house. We still have the floorplans for it actaully. Well, today in my boredom (I should have been cleaning or doing somthing productive) I was wandering around the internet, and somehow found myself searching for houses in South Carolina. Imagine my suprise when I found our "dream house" on the market there. and the best news? It was in our price range! I was so so excited. Although I know that in all likly hood home prices will go up in the next year (at least I hope so for our resale purposes!) it is at least a glimmer of hope that our fantastic, amazing, wonderful dream of a floorplan will be at least an option for us. Keep your fingers crossed!

In other news, Gavin is doing wonderfully. He just cut his 12th tooth. Yes, that's right, our monster has chompers.. lots of them! He's getting such a personality now, its so much fun to be around him every day. He's standing on his own now, and we see a step every now and then, but he tries to hide if from us. His new favorite trick is clapping. The kid claps nonstop! It (of course to me) is the cutest thing ever.

He also loves the water. We do a lot of swimming! We joined the YMCA here, and we take him up to the pool frequently there, but in the event that we just dont feel like making the drive, he has his own little pool in the backyard that he adores. Unfortunatly though, he mostly likes to pull grass from the yard into it. But, its fun to watch him splash and play, and wish that our lives were all as simple and carefree.

He also loves to play the run away from mommy game. He's quite good at it! He can be down the hall and into his room in the amount of time it takes mommy to get a glass of water. It's really quite impressive how fast he can move. He is however a really violent crawler. It does prove to be quite handy though too, because you can hear him wherever he goes. All in all though, he is just about the cutest kid ever to grace the planet. We love him dearly and don't know what we have done to deserve such a wonderful child. We are truly scared to know how bad the next one will be to make up for how perfect Gavin is. (just kidding!)

Well, I'm going to call it done for now, but I am going to keep posting. I may even add another one tonight with updated house pictures! We have done a lot of work, and so I'm going to go ahead and add some before and afters of the house and update about all the randomness that we have done here!