Ok, this is another vent, totally different subject that the last one, but, again, I just need to get it out.
My child is big. I get it. He's tall, he's solid. He has chunky thighs. That's it though. Other than that, he's is very muscular and fit. He's 18 months old and 3 ft tall. He weighs 35 lbs. He's always been large, occasionally he's went through chunky phase, but I hardly think he qualifies for the book of records. He has no rolls on his stomach, no rolls on his arms. Hes very active, and distrubingly enough, has a set of 6 pack abs that defy his age. I am so so so sick of hearing "oh wow, he's huge!" "what do you feed him" and most recently " are you training him to be a ufc fighter or somthing?" I hear things like "oh, that kid would eat a brick" "are you sure you want another, you're not going to be able to afford to feed the one you have" "oh, it's gavin, of course he'll eat it"
I hear these things on a reagular basis, and its really hurtful. I've even been told that I should be looked into by cps because I must be mistreating my kid since he's so big. No, I do not mistreat my child. Obviously. He eats well, but not excessivly. A normal lunch or dinner for him is 3 chicken nuggets, half an apple and a couple spoonfulls of corn. He'll eat about 3/4 of a toasted chesse sandwich, or a hot dog. Those are his favorites. I mean really, maybe I'm just totally out of the loop on this parenting thing, but to me, that doesnt seem like he's eating excessivly. He eats what he would like, and when he is is full, reguardless of whether there is food left or not, he will tell me but signing "all done"
I can't tell you how many times I've actaully cried myself to sleep over this because yes, he's larger than average for his age, but he was born that way. He was born at 37 weeks, and measured 43 weeks for his weight/height. Every time people make these comments I don't think that they understand that they hurt me a lot deeper that just "oh ok". I know a lot of people think it's funny or a joke to goof around that my kid is big, but I'm just so tired of hearing it. I mean at 3 months people would ask me "What are you feeding him?!" "well, pizza, ice cream, the usual" really, what are they expecting? He's 3 months, he eats formula, ONLY. Even the ladies in the nursery at chruch occasionally comment "wow he's so big, you better watch out he'll eat you out of house and home"
IT's so hurtful, he's just a baby. He's bound to be teased and go through hard times later in life because of his size. Hopefully he'll slow down his growth and match up with other his own size soon, but he's bound to go through what everyone does at some point later down the road. Thankfully at this point he doesnt know what people are saying about him, but I do. At this point, they are criticizing me, not him. He's just a baby people, leave him alone. He's 100% healthy and he's not a giant. I mean if i have a 5 ft tall 3 year old, then ok, but he's just a couple inches taller than normal right now, so get over it.
I don't understand why everyone thinks its ok to say such mean and hurtful things to both nick and I. Recently, gavin and I made a trip down to the boat to visit daddy at work. We got there and of course while we were there we ran into several people that nick works with. Two nights later when nick got home, he said "well word got out about gavin" I asked what he meant and he said everyone at work jokes about gavins size and makes comments similar to the "ufc fighter" comment mentioned earlier. He's been called everythign from chunky, fatty, porker, bull, cow, to piggy. Why do people think its ok to call a baby these things. Luckily nick is able to jsut ignore it and he claims that while it does bother him, he can generally ignore it. If I had to work in that enviroment, I don't know how I'd deal. Even just writing those words about my son brought tears to my eyes. To me, he's perfect. I love my son with all my heart, and do think that we do an alright job with raising him, and according to our pediatrician, we do a good job with his nutritional needs. Unfortunatly, a lot of people don't understand how to make their "shut up" filter in their brain function properly.
So, I guess the point is, if you see a baby and are tempted to say "oh he's so chunky" or on the opposite end "she's so tiny, dont' you feed her enough" Think twice, becuase every word like that that you say cuts that mother or father deeper than you will ever know.
Xmas 2019 :)
5 years ago
amen. scotty is little, and has been (starting AFTER he was born) and is about 5th percentile height and weight. People who don't me or him ask me if i'm feeding him enough--anyone who's around us knows better. This kid eats more than i do! He won't tell me he's full until he's eaten *TWO* packets of instant oatmeal and a glass of milk.
I think he just hit 22 pounds, but from the way he eats I'd expect him to be huge! Babies and just babies, and it was nothing to do with what we feed them...
exactly. I'm just so done with people and their "helpful" comments. I've had people tell me I shoudl take parenting classes becuase I obviously dont know how to take care of him. It's like no, he doesnt even eat all the much, look at me, I'm not a tiny little thing! chances are, it's genetic! just becuase my kids in the 120% percentile, doesn't me he's abused, it means he's big.
I'm so done with the people here in VA, they really like to run their mouthes, and its really gotten to me lately. I'm sure its just pregnancy hormones, but it's always bothered me.
people really think you are abusive? Wow. I don't think Gavin is huge---hopefully you didn't think that when I originally commented on how much bigger he got since I last saw him; I genuinely meant he looked so much older--not a baby to me anymore!
On the other hand, I am hoping Lucas will have gained weight at his next appt--i am pretty sure he has, i can see it in his thighs. I feed him as much breastmilk as possible- and he's eating more lately. I guess since the jaundice thing, I equate 'chubbiness' to health. :) don't worry about it.
(pssh..wasn't it nice to have the men home for even one day? it was really nice to spend the day together yesterday--and he missed lucas so much it was very cute. Lets hope they get out earlier than next wednesday..:(
OK, I hear you. I am so sorry that you are getting insults on your sturdy and healthy darling Gavin. He is adorable, btw!
I think it's very possible that MOST comments are meant to be positive. The single most important thing a baby can do (and yes they're babies until age 2!) is to GROW!
Megan was diagnosed with "failure to thrive" - a very serious concern. It's means she was NOT growing. Which is very bad. (People would always assume she was a preemie and probably retarded . . .) They'd be so concerned and it was hard to defend her and my actions. Because I was a nursing mother, I got LOTS of advice to wean her, so I'd know exactly what she was eating, etc. So I kind of know what you mean about the idiot people.
But babies are supposed to grow and get chubby and etc. So we are programmed to compliment babies on - or at least to comment about - how well they are growing! People used to say to me about Drew - "What are you feeding him - pure cream?" and "Look at his double chin!" He was chubby but I tried to take it as the compliment it was meant to be.
I can't seriously believe that anyone who meets Gavin or gets to know him doesn't think he's terrific and just perfect. When I comment on how big he is, it's meaning that he is growing so fast AND growing up so fast!
Love Jeanni
p.s. My sister had 10 pound babies and you can believe the comments that brought.
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