Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hey look, I blg!

So, this week I am in Philadelphia training for work. I have been here since sunday evening, and am really getting homesick. I know its silly, I get to talk to Nick every day, and I'll be home in just a couple of days, but just look at the picture. How could you not miss that? Gavin is seriously the happiest little guy, and how could you not just LOVE that face? He's my pride and joy, and I miss him so much! I'm really not looking forward to yet another week of this next week. But at least I get to go home on friday afternoon and spend some time with him before leaving on Sunday night again. Possibly next week Nick will be able to fly up here and visit, so that would be nice.

We had a nice Easter, it was very quiet, and it was jsut us, but it was nice. We had easter baskets for all, which was fun, and Nick got me a nice necklace for my birthday which happened to be that day. It was nice to just have a day to ourselves. Gavin loved his easter basket and took pleanty of time examining it and figuring out just what everything was. Tanner got some nice easter gifts as well. :)

We are excited to announce that we get our new house tomorrow, April 3. We are really excited! So, if anyone feels the need for a vacation to come out here, we have a bedroom for you, however, we currently charge one room of painting, or some other form of housework as your "rent" for the duration of your stay! We are really looking forward to getting moved in and settled down, and I'm really excited to paint! We're still figuring out a place for everything, so it may be creative, but, we'll own it! It needs some serious yard work, but that's easy, we jsut need one good weekend and it'll be much better!

Gavin is doing GREAT! He's started saying da-da, and he still thinks ma-ma is the funniest word in the english language. He's scootching on his stomach so its only a matter of days until I think he'll be crawling, and his newest favorite trick is pulling himself up to standing, so it's about to get really busy at our house! He continues to amaze nick and I daily, and it's just so neat to watch him discover the world on a daily basis. We love him to death and can't wait to see what he does next. He really is the happiest baby ever, and in my opinion, is the cutest one ever too.

1 comment:

M Crew said...

Gaven is adorable! And I LOVE your home. I can't wait til we come to visit. I definitely can't wait to start painting or decorating or whatever else you need.