Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun!

Well, we decided to take Gavin to the Easter Egg Hunt that the church put on at a local park. We really didnt expect him to get what he was supposed to do, but expected him to get excited and run around outside (which he loves) when he saw the other kids getting excited and running around. Well, he proved us wrong. He took off with his bucket and started putting eggs in it as fast as he could. We were amazed, and he just loved it, so we were really glad that we took him. Here's a few pictures from his big day of fun!

After seeing his love for the Easter Egg hunting on Saturday, after Church (and naptime) on Sunday, we tossed some eggs out in the backyard for him and let him go crazy. He just loved it again. He also thought it might possibly be the coolest thing ever that we grilled and ate in the backyard.. with no highchair! Amazing! Here's a few from the backyard adventures!

Here's the backyard before we let the monster loose!

And Gavin's favorite part of the day, eating in the "big chair" and playing on his slide!