Well, I haven't updated in a while. We've been busy, Nick's been working crazy hours, and I'm busy working and playing with Gavin. Last weekend we had "Christmas" with Nick's family, since we'll be heading to Arizona for Christmas with my family. We had a really nice time, and had the added bonus of Blaine and Ginger being able to come up. It was a very welcome suprise, since we don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like.
We had a great time, Gavin LOVED opening presents. It was really fun to watch him since this was the first time he really understood that he was allowed to rip the paper, and he had a blast doing it. He got tons of new toys, and nick and I made out pretty well ourselves. It was a great weekend. Here's a few pictures of the big time everyone had this weekend. :)

You might have noticed in those pictures that Gavin is nursing his first black eye back to health. That's been pretty fun, and it's really exciting to take him in public for the last two weeks where his eye has been every color under the rainbow.
Christmas with the Hansen's was a great time, and we are really glad that they were able to come, albeit very last minute due to nicks schedule changes. Well, I'll be heading to Phoenix later this week, and nick will be getting into town on Christmas eve, since he has to work. Hoefully I'll get to catch up with some of you there!
One last little bit of whats going on in our lives, Gavin has an announcement: (with the nice yellow stage of "black" eye going)
